Ocean’s Eleven, released in theaters on Dec. 7, 2001, is a stylish and entertaining heist film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film follows Danny...
Daylight, a thrilling disaster film starring Sylvester Stallone, was released on Dec. 6, 1996, captivating audiences with its intense action sequences, gripping suspense, and...
Beverly Hills Cop was released on Dec. 5, 1984 and it was a groundbreaking action-comedy film, introducing the world to the charismatic and energetic...
The Distinguished Gentleman starring Eddie Murphy opened in theaters on Dec. 4, 1992 and delivered Murphy another entry in his arsenal of comedy hits....
Tequila Sunrise is a neo-noir crime drama directed by Oscar-winning screenwriter Robert Towne and featuring a stellar cast including Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell and...
The Bodyguard is a romantic thriller released on Nov. 25, 1992 that has captivated audiences for decades. Directed by Mick Jackson and starring Kevin...