Three Man and a Baby is a touching comedy that premiered on Nov. 25, 1987. Directed by Leonard Nimoy and starring Tom Selleck as architect Peter Mitchell, Steve Guttenberg as cartoonist Michael Kellam and Ted Danson actor Jack Holden, the film follows the lives of the three successful bachelors in Manhattan who unexpectedly find themselves as the guardians of a newborn baby.
The film offers a humorous and endearing portrayal of three men navigating the challenges of parenthood.
Selleck, Guttenberg, and Danson bring their unique comedic styles to their roles, creating a dynamic and entertaining trio. Their on-screen chemistry is palpable, and their interactions with the adorable baby, played by twins Lisa and Michelle Blair, are both funny and heartwarming.
Margaret Colin stars as Rebecca, Peter’s (Selleck) on again-off again flame.
Nancy Travis appears late in the movie as Sylvia, the baby’s mother, who initially disappears but later returns to reclaim her child. Her character adds depth to the story and provides a poignant contrast to the chaotic lives of the three men.
The script was based on the 1985 French film Trois hommes et un couffin.
Reception for Three Men and a Baby
Three Men and a Baby opened at No. 1 at the box office with $10.4 million en route to a total gross of $167.8 million.
The film would go on to be the No.1 movie of the year, topping Fatal Attraction ($156.6 million) and Beverly Hills Cop II ($153.7 million) starring Eddie Murphy.
Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars in his review. “Because of Selleck and his co-stars (including twin baby girls, Lisa and Michelle Blair), the movie becomes a heartwarming entertainment,” Ebert said.
The film was followed in 1990 with its sequel Three Men and a Little Lady which also featuring Selleck, Guttenberg and Danson.
Three Men and a Baby is a classic family comedy that has stood the test of time. Its humor, heart, and timeless message continue to resonate with audiences of all ages.
The film’s exploration of the bonds of friendship and the transformative power of parenthood makes it a heartwarming and feel-good experience.